3 Common Causes Of High Blood Pressure
Are you worried about High Blood Pressure?
Here we attempt to put together crucial information highly relevant to High Blood Pressure. However much you may already know about this condition we hope to lay all the information you need in an easy to understand language.
We offer detailed information in layman's terms and try to bring to your attention all there is to know about High Blood Pressure.
Finding Causes Of High Blood Pressure And Treating Them
The causes of high blood pressure are not always easy to identify since there are many different elements that contribute to it and it's not always possible to distinguish the cause. Yet it's important to find out if you have high blood pressure, as this can lead to many serious health problems. Most of the time if you know the causes and risk factors you'll be able to avoid making the mistakes in your lifestyle.
As you get older, you are more likely to have high blood pressure. Statistically, high blood pressure is more common in men after forty-five, and a little later for women.
Hypertension is something that anyone can have, though, especially if you have risk factors such as being overweight. So everyone should have their blood pressure measured regularly, but it's especially important if you are forty or above. Many other factors can influence your blood pressure as well, such as your eating habits and how often you exercise. Your own stress levels can contribute to your high blood pressure. All you need to do is learn to process life's little stressors more appropriately to calm your stress levels. Take time out to relax, rather than being a Type A personality. If you find yourself tense, angry or stressed more often than not your risk for high blood pressure is greater. Find a way to manage these emotions to keep them from affecting your health. Reducing the stressors and learning to relax can help you lower your blood pressure significantly.
High blood pressure can be caused by taking certain medicines or drugs. People addicted to street drugs, especially "uppers" or cocaine, are prone to high blood pressure. However, many prescribed drugs, including birth control pills and antidepressants can contribute to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can even be caused by frequently taking certain OTC items, such as cold remedies and a variety of other medications. So read the labels on any medications you take and ask your doctor about possible side effects. Always ask your doctor if any medication he or she has prescribed may cause high blood pressure.
There are many causes of high blood pressure and you should work with your doctor to find out why you may have developed it if you have this condition. You can make the necessary changes to reverse your high blood pressure if you know what caused it. Even if some of the causes of high blood pressure mentioned above apply to you, you still need to consider your lifestyle and medical history as there are many other causes as well.
Make sure you click here to learn more about Hypertension and how serious this condition can become.